3.2 Protocols

Il Primo corso C.N.U.C.E. sul TCP/IP
The first C.N.U.C.E. course on TCP/IP
Laura Abba
  • At the suggestion of Antonio Blasco Bonito, Laura Abba and Marco Sommani, CNR-CNUCE, in collaboration with the Pisa Research Consortium, organized in 1991 a training course on TCP/IP.
  • The course was the result of a long process of research by CNUCE with many international contacts.
  • At the end of 1987 Bonito, Sommani and Abba had visited Cornell University. During this mission much important information was acquired, acting on which Bonito then contacted CISCO to import the first router to Italy.
  • In 1988 when the constraints formerly imposed by the US Department of Defence no longer applied and with IP routers available on the market, gateways came to Italy, where the first three Cisco routers made a triangular connection between CNUCE [Blasco Bonito, Marco Sommani], Turin Polytechnic [Silvano. Gai] and DIST in Genova [Joy Marino].
  • The course was from 30 September to 3 October, hosted by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa.
  • At the time the physical structures at GARR were used for four different communications architectures: SNA, DECNET, X.25 and TCP/IP, but adoption of the new architecture TCP/IP was already seen as the principal instrument for provision of services.
  • GARR supported this training initiative because knowledge of the potential and procedures for installation and maintenance of a network based on TCP/IP protocols was becoming fundamental for connection of a new organization to the GARR network.
  • The instructors were CNUCE personnel working on research networks projects in Italy: Laura Abba, Antonio Blasco Bonito, Domenico Canino, Francesco Gennai, Marco Sommani, Giuseppe Romano and Daniele Vannozzi.
  • During the course participants were given articles and reports on the principal topics and a "diskette" containing a useful and fun tool for a first "Internet tour".
  • Lunedì 30 settembre 1991
    • 15:00 Le reti per la ricerca scientifica protocolli ed applicazioni TCP/IP - Introduzione (Laura Abba)
    • 16:00 Introduzione al networking (Marco Sommani)
  • Martedì 1 ottobre 1991
    • 9:00 Internet tour (Domenico Canino)
    • 9:30 L'informazione in Internet (Giuseppe Romano)
    • 11:00-17:00 Configurazione e gestione di reti TCP/IP: standard, indirizzamento e routing (Antonio Blasco Bonito)
  • Mercoledì 2 ottobre 1991
    • 9:00-16:30 Configurazione e gestione di reti TCP/IP: amministrazione di una rete complessa (Antonio Blasco Bonito)
    • 16:30 Internet tour - dimostrazione (Domenico Canino)
  • Giovedì 3 ottobre 1991
    • 9:00 Esperienze di gestione del software TCP/IP per ambiente IBM/VM (Marco Sommani)
    • 11:30 Esperienze di gestione del software TCP/IP per ambiente DIGITAL/VMS (Francesco Gennai)
    • 14:30 Esperienze di gestione del software TCP/IP per ambiente UNIX (Antonio Blasco Bonito)
    • 15:00 Registrazione delle informazioni in ambiente nazionale ed internazionale (Daniele Vannozzi)
  • The secretariat was organized by Elena Lofrese.
  • The following persons took part, who we mention here to include them too in the tribute to "Internet pioneers in Italy"
  • Addolorato, Andreoli, Ardissono, Astolfi, Avitabile, Borri, Ciotola, Colucci, Confalonieri, Cucchiella, Delaurentis, Dinardo, Fanelli, Fiorenza, Fiumara, Flammi, Gaido, Gentili, Lisi, Manicastri, Mincucci, Mirra, Moscato, Patruno, Pavanati, Podestà, Poeth, Renzi, Riboli, Riccio, Rizzo, Robertini, Romano, Smareglia, Trombetti, Tubertini, Vascotto e Vitale.
Happy Birthday ISOC